Manufacturers Turbochef


Parts for Turbochef Various Models


#8-32 X 43898 Csk 100 (Screw Holding Door To Hinge
Part no: 516092
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: ENCORE, ENCORE 2, HHB, HHB2, HHD-1002B, I3, I5, NGC, NGC2
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0.85 Uf Hv Capacitor 2350 Vac
Part no: 515944
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: I3, I5, NGC, NGC2
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This part is discontinued
Please call our customer service to fine the replacement part.
0.85 Uf, Hv Capacitor, 2350 Vac (200V 60Hz Japan)
Part no: 515946
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: G5, NGC, NGC2
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2 Pin Cable, Display
Part no: 515935
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: HHC-2020, HHC-3240, NGC, NGC2
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20Amp Fuse
Part no: 516689
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: Turbochef
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24Vac Cooling Fan
Part no: 516816
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: Fire
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Market price: $463.05 save 2%
26 Pin Connector
Part no: 516276
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: Turbochef
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43898 D Drive Swing Arms Assembly W/O Motor Assembly
Part no: 517152
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: Turbochef
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Market price: $184.79 save 5%
5 E Ring
Part no: 516014
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: Turbochef
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9 Pin Flat Cable/Chefcomm Rs23
Part no: 516277
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: Turbochef
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9 Pin Flat Cable/Chefcomm Rs23
Part no: 516278
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: Turbochef
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Market price: $110.26 save 2%
Actuator, Door Magnet
Part no: 516088
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: HHB
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Air Diverter
Part no: 517343
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: Turbochef
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Market price: $248.20 save 1%
Air Filter, Bullet/Encore Oven
Part no: 516719
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: Bullet, Encore, Encore 2
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Air Filter, I3 Oven
Part no: 517277
Manufacturer: Turbochef
Fits on Models: I3
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